Why Every Republican Must Stand Against Gender Lunacy Now

After Donald Trump’s first successful presidential campaign, back in 2016, it quickly became clear to everyone that Democrats and Republicans have very different approaches to getting things done in the world of politics. Democrats immediately launched criminal investigations of Trump’s campaign. They started talking about impeachment before Trump was even sworn in. They united as a party to do what their voters wanted them to do, which was to sabotage the democratically elected president at every opportunity. They were coordinated and therefore effective.

Meanwhile, many Republicans in Congress took the opposite approach. They decided to ignore what Republican voters wanted. They failed to repeal Obamacare. There were disputes over border wall funding and other aspects of the budget, as well as Trump’s travel ban. This infighting wasn’t particularly surprising: The speaker of the House at the time, Paul Ryan, had publicly stated just a month before the election that he wouldn’t defend Trump anymore. He abandoned his party’s nominee entirely, which was unprecedented in modern politics. That was the divide back in 2016: establishment Republicans were very resistant to change, even as Republican voters wanted a lot of it.

That’s one of the reasons we should all pay attention to the drama that unfolded in Congress yesterday. It’s one of the first clear signs we have that, this time around, things might be different. We now have a clear indication that Republicans finally understand what their voters are demanding — and that, like Democrats, they won’t be afraid to act on those demands. We have our first sign that Republican lawmakers are getting something resembling a spine, finally, maybe.

Admittedly, it was a rocky start. At a press gaggle early in the day, the speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, was asked whether an incoming lawmaker from Delaware, who uses the name Sarah McBride, is a man or a woman. In case you’re not familiar with this person, McBride is being touted as the first transgender lawmaker in Congress. He previously used the name Tim before he decided in college that he’s really a woman.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

In the vast pantheon of questions that Mike Johnson could’ve been asked, this one should’ve been pretty easy to dispense with, for about a million different reasons. Here’s three of them: Mike Johnson is a Christian. He understands basic biology. And he’s familiar with the results of the most recent election, which showed that Americans overwhelmingly reject gender ideology, across party lines. So by all accounts, in every respect, this was the biggest softball that could’ve been lobbed Mike Johnson’s way. And yet, Mike Johnson whiffed. Watch:


In a way, it’s fitting that this spectacle took place on the same day that SpaceX was launching another starship into orbit. On the one hand, we have geniuses who are solving some of the most complicated physics problems known to man, in order to change the future of humanity for the better. And on the other hand, we have a prominent congressman who is too afraid to invoke maybe the most fundamental principle of biology, which is that men are not women. He just kind of smiles and delivers some platitudes about being nice to people. As far as contrasts go, it’s not a flattering one.

If this kind of thing had happened back in 2016, no one would’ve batted an eye. Everyone understood back then that congressional Republicans were following the Mitt Romney school of thought. The idea was pretty simple: don’t make Democrats angry. Whatever you do, don’t hurt their feelings. If you don’t make them mad, maybe they’ll be nice to you. This was the genius political theory that animated the Republican Party for decades. It didn’t matter that voters had just defied every poll in existence, and sent Donald Trump to the White House. All Republicans cared about in 2016 was making sure that Democrats weren’t going to call them bigots. So if Democrats wanted to deny basic biology and claim that men can become women, who are we to stand in their way? That was the prevailing sentiment.

That’s not the political reality anymore. Now, when members of Congress try something like this, Republican voters don’t let them get away with it. Within minutes of Mike Johnson’s non-answer, there was blowback, both inside Capitol Hill and all over social media. So about two hours later, Johnson called reporters back to deliver this clarification:

That’s still not a direct response to the original question, which is whether McBride is a man or a woman. Johnson could’ve come right out and answered that by stating the truth, which is that McBride is obviously a man. But as a basic statement of biological reality, what Mike Johnson said here is obviously correct. It’s a massive improvement over his original answer. And logically, it rejects any claim that McBride is a woman.

In other words, Johnson took the temperature and found out that he’d better plant himself firmly on the side of sanity. That’s the winning political hand, and also the morally right one. Gender ideology is an affront to biology, it’s an affront to Christianity, it’s an affront to logic, it’s an affront to common sense. So now you can be on the side of truth, justice, common sense, and God Almighty — while also remaining on the winning political side. Or you can stand against all that is right and good in the world, and also your own political interests. That really shouldn’t be a difficult choice. There is literally no advantage at all to kowtowing to gender ideology. No benefit. It doesn’t even require courage to stand against it anymore. It did, maybe, five years ago. But not now. Now it’s the obvious play. And also, again, the correct one.

Over in the Democrat Party, however, gender ideology is still a centerpiece. In fact, it’s so potent on the Left that it’s the entire reason this incoming lawmaker, “Sarah McBride”, has risen to fame in the Democrat Party. Like most trans activists, McBride is, among other things, rather one-note. His entire political agenda and identity centers around being trans. On top of that, he’s of course extraordinarily disingenuous. Here for example was McBride arguing against a bill that would keep boys out of girls’ sports. This was his line of questioning. See if you can spot the logical fallacies here. Watch:

McBride’s argument is that, because some women are better at sports than other women, there’s no point in keeping men out of women’s sports. There’s a form of “inequality” that already exists in women’s sports, so why not destroy women’s sports entirely? That’s the logic. And of course McBride delivers this line of questioning with total confidence and sincerity. He really thinks he has something here.

It might be a compelling argument if you don’t understand the concept of sports, and if you’ve never watched a sporting event in your life. But for everyone else, the problem is pretty obvious. The entire idea of competition is to establish a category, and then explore the variation and skill within that fixed category. Otherwise the competition would be unwatchable and one-sided. That’s why we have heavyweight and welterweight divisions in boxing. It’s why NFL teams don’t compete against high schoolers. And it’s why men don’t compete against women. Sex differences are by far the most predictive factor to consider when you’re trying to maximize competitiveness within a category.

That’s why, the moment a group of so-called “trans men” (otherwise known as biological females, otherwise known as just females) decided to form a soccer team in Spain to play against actual men, they lost their first game by a score of 19 to 0. It’s why, when two male athletes decided to compete in women’s track in Connecticut, they promptly broke 17 track meet records and won 15 state championship titles. It’s why a team of boys under the age of 15 soundly defeated the Women’s national soccer team by a score of 5 to 2. Everyone intuitively knows what’s going on here. Men inherently are stronger and faster and therefore more competitive in athletics than women.

And now, because Democrats insist on denying this, Republicans are about to codify the truth. This shouldn’t be remotely necessary, but it’s necessary now, apparently.

Congresswoman Nancy Mace of South Carolina has just introduced a rule that would keep males like McBride out of women’s bathrooms on Capitol Hill. This rule would affirm that men and women are not the same thing, and that men cannot transform into women. It is also, again, an easy political win. The vast majority of Americans support it. It was only a question of which Republican lawmaker would be smart enough to seize the moment here and take this stand. Turns out it was Nancy Mace. Watch:


You’ll notice that all of the Left-wing activists who were behind the Me Too movement are completely silent about this. None of them are taking Nancy Mace’s side. None of them care that she was raped, and that she’s worried about being assaulted again by a man in a private space. If you needed more evidence that the “Me Too” movement was a complete fraud, there it is. They have always cared about just one thing, which is advancing the interests of the Democrat Party. So now it falls to Republicans like Mace to actually advance the interests of women.

Later on, a reporter with ABC News tried again to shame Mace into backing down. (This was a theme for the day — reporters kept trying to badger her into changing her mind). Watch:

They keep hitting Mace with this claim that her bill is “targeting” a particular member of Congress, when they know that’s not true. A bill can be motivated by the actions of one person, without targeting a particular person. These reporters all know that — or at least, they should know it. But because they’re all reading from the same talking points from the DNC, they just keep repeating the same claim. And Nancy Mace keeps demonstrating that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

By the way, when she mentions death threats, she’s talking about social media posts like this, where trans activists openly threaten to murder her. Watch:

So this person isn’t praying in front of an abortion clinic, which is usually how you get noticed by Merrick Garland’s DOJ. But he does seem pretty unstable, and he’s making a clear threat to murder a sitting congresswoman. So hopefully someone at the DOJ takes a look into this, but of course we can’t count on that. There was an industrial-grade paper shredding truck outside of the DOJ yesterday, so they probably have other things on their mind. Here’s what that looked like:

As you can see, the DOJ is apparently focused on destroying as much evidence as they can before the new administration discovers what they’ve been doing for the past four years. So maybe all the people threatening Nancy Mace aren’t a priority right now.

Obviously this person is unhinged, but the truth is, he’s not that far removed from how most trans activists behave. And everyone knows it. Without exception, proponents of gender ideology are aggressive, unhinged and unstable. And as Marjorie Taylor Greene pointed out — in response to yet another hostile inquiry from the media — people are sick of it. They’ve had enough. They’re not putting up with it anymore. That’s what the last election was about. And this time around, Republicans in Congress are going to honor what their voters want. Watch:

By the end of the week, every single reporter on Capitol Hill will have asked an indignant question about this. They’re all outraged that women would possibly want to exclude men from women’s bathrooms. They can’t articulate why, but they’re outraged by it. And one by one, they’re being told the truth, which is that Americans want this insanity to end. And so it’s going to end.

Several Republican members of Congress, in addition to Nancy Mace and Marjorie Taylor Greene, have made that clear. Tennessee congressman Tim Burchett, for example, wrote on X, “He is a dude in a dress,” referring to McBride. And of course Burchett says he’ll support Mace’s rule banning men from entering women’s spaces.

That should be the baseline expectation for every member of Congress going forward. Any Republican who doesn’t support a measure to keep men out of women’s bathrooms should be shamed, humiliated, and voted out of office. This is as easy as it gets. Every Republican must be on board, no exceptions. This is a question of whether the incoming Congress will operate within the bounds of reality, or if they’re willing to suspend reality for the sake of catering to the most radical elements of Left-wing ideology. The correct choice is clear and obvious, and it’s time every Republican made it.

WATCH: “What Is A Woman?”

As I’ve outlined many times before, the alternative would be disastrous. Once you agree that reality is subjective, you have no basis to object to anything. You forfeit all of your rights. You can’t make any kind of rational argument. You have to accept the whims of Left-wing activists, who will do whatever they can to destroy you and your family.

This is not a hypothetical. It’s happening right now. This week we learned that a California judge has apparently given the go-ahead for the castration of the 12-year-old son of a man named Jeff Younger, who we’ve talked about on the show many times over the years. Younger’s ex-wife moved with the child from Texas to California, a so-called “sanctuary state” for trans-experimentation on children. Now Younger has lost all parental rights and access to his son, all because he wouldn’t affirm his son’s alleged gender identity.

This is where all of the supposedly “humanitarian” arguments in favor of gender ideology always end up. They lead to the most inhumane, authoritarian outcomes possible. But even if they didn’t — even if there were no consequences whatsoever to embracing this demented ideology — it would still be wrong to embrace it because it’s fundamentally untrue. It has always been untrue. And one of the many reasons to be optimistic about the next four years is that finally, even Republicans in Congress are willing to say that out loud.